Thursday, September 29, 2011

Devotion for 9/28/11 How's your relationship with God?

Good Morning folks...Hope you've had a productive week. I've had some crazy days this week but nothing I can't handle...Here's the devotion for the day

Today's Topic: How's your relationship with God
Scripture Text: John 5:30

"I do not seek My own will but the of the Father who sent me"

The relationship Jesus had with His Father is the kind of relationship that He wants you to have with him. Three things describe that relationship. For today, let's look at Intimacy

Jesus said, "The Father loves the Son and shows him all he does" John 5:20 you interact with many people throughout the course of your day, but you only share your heart with those you trust, and with whom you have a close relationship. So, ask yourself this questions, "How close are you to God right now?" Are you close enough to hear God when he speaks to you? Close enough to know when you've said or done something which has grieved him? Cloe enough to feel the warmth of his presence? The truth is, you are as close to God right now as you desire to be, decide to be, and discipline yourself to be. Nothing is born unless there is first an act of intimacy between two people, and intimacy is based on one word: desire How much do you desire God?

David said, "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you" Psalms 63:1

Do you desire His house? "They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink fromyour river of delights" Psalms 36:8

Do you desire his Word? "I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread" Job 23:12

We will continue with this lesson in to tomorrow...Be Blessed Folks!

Love me some you

:: LA ::

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today's Lesson: It's not yours to fight

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Folks,

In light of yesterday's tragic events, I'd first like to send up a prayer. This prayer is not only for the family of Troy Davis, it's also for those who currently have family members and friends who are in jail, on death row, or have been executed, whether innocent or guilty. Amen

"Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord."
Romans 12:19

I thought I would touch on this issue because as I sat to reflect on yesterday's happenings and after reading posts throughout the media, this verse came to mind. I know that we have all been in a situation where we feel like someone has wronged us in some way or another. Our first instinct is to retaliate. We want to pay someone back for the wrong they did, and the hurt and pain they have caused us. Though easier said than done, God says "Vengeance is mine, I will repay" It gives us the freedom to walk away from a tough situation with the assurance that God will handle the situation. This keeps us from harming others, ourselves, and beginning a continuous trend of tit for tat. What good does it do any of us to continue to fuss and fight back and forth...building up anger within, causing strife and pain within ourselves and even within those close to us.

Here's the reality of God's wrath: the wrath of God is God’s settled anger toward sin expressed in the repayment of suitable vengeance on the guilty sinner. So why not let him fight your battles?

How many times have you been in a situation where you've done wrong to someone and the next thing you know, something went wrong in your life. It could be something as simple as playing a trick on a friend, and you turn around and trip over something or run in to something causing some type of physical harm or pain to yourself? I know it's happened to me...I learned a long time ago that nothing and no one here on Earth is worth more to me than my relationship with Christ, and my ticket to heaven. Don't set yourself up by trying to win a fight that God has already said he has under control. What you do here on Earth, you'll have to answer for when you get to heaven. Is it really worth it?

We may not agree with everything that Man does here on Earth, but rest assured that God is watching, and when Man tries to play God, God will handle it.

Those who fought to execute Troy Davis, and executed all those in the past who have been wrongfully accused, they have to live wit that every day for the rest of their lives. That internal struggle alone is punishment enough. The question is, what will they have to say when they get to those pearly gates? The question is, what are we going to do NOW so that this doesn't happen again?

I encourage you all to read Troy Davis' last letter to the people...--> It is a testament of faith and trust in God. I was inspired and encouraged and I hope you are too.

Let God fight your battles....That's my rant for the day...Stay positive, stay knowledgeable, stay informed...we owe to ourselves and the generations to follow...

Be Blessed Family!

:: LA ::

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Daily Devotion for 9/20/11 Whom He Loves, He Chastens

Good Morning Folks! Happy Rainy Tuesday!!! I pray that everyone is well. Sorry about has me swamped but I couldn't let another day pass without sending out a devotion. So here we go...This is from the devotion I read from Joyce Meyers

Today's Topic: Whom God loves, He Chastens
Scripture text: Hebrews 12:6

For the Lord corrects and disciplines everyone whom He loves, and He punishes, even scourges, every son whom He accepts and welcomes to His heart and cherishes.
—Hebrews 12:6

When we need correction—and there are times when we all need it—I believe it is the Lord's first desire to correct us Himself. Whom the Lord loves, He chastens. God's correction or chastisement is not a bad thing; it is always and ultimately only for our good.

The fact that it works toward our good does not mean it always feels good or that it is something we enjoy immediately: "For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful; but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it [a harvest of fruit which consists in righteousness—in conformity to God's will in purpose, thought, and action, resulting in right living and right standing with God]." (Hebrews 12:11)

Correction is probably one of the most difficult things for most of us to receive, especially when it comes through another person. Even if we have problems, we don't want others to know we have them. I believe God prefers to correct us privately; but if we won't accept His correction or if we don't know how to allow Him to correct us privately, He will correct us publicly, using whatever source He needs to use. We may not always like the source God chooses to use, but it is wisdom to accept cor¬rection in order to avoid "going around the mountain one more time" (see Deuteronomy 2:3).

Be Blessed Family! I'll chat with you all soon!

Peace and Love,

:: LA ::

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Daily Devotion for 9/15/11 Answer the Door

Good Morning Folks!!!

Joel & Victoria are on it this morning!! Keep reading after the devotion...

Answer the Door


“...Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”
(Psalm 30:5, NKJV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

When you wake up each morning, God sends you a special delivery of joy. It’s like it comes knocking at the door of your heart every day. The problem is that some people never answer the door. It’s right there, month after month, year after year saying, “Come on! Let me in! You can be happy! You can cheer up! You can enjoy your life!” The way to answer the door is to get up and choose an attitude of faith and expectancy by declaring that “today is going to be a good day.” When you start the day like that, you are choosing to receive the gift of joy that God sent to you.

Today, make up your mind to answer the door to joy! Get up every morning and say, “Father, thank You for another beautiful day. I’m going to be happy. I’m going to enjoy this day because You are faithful. I’m going to brighten someone else’s life. I am choosing to receive Your gift of joy and passing it on to others because I love You, and I know that I am called for Your purposes!”


Father, thank You for the gift of joy every single morning. I choose right now to set my focus and heart on You. Help me, by Your Holy Spirit, to put You first each and every day so that I can know Your love and joy in everything I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

I woke up this morning to my door, opened it and God was standing there telling me to come on through. Thank you Lord for Revelation in my time of need!!! If you see your door, go ahead and answer it...I guarantee what's on the other side will be exactly what you need. Enjoy Fam! Love Y'all...Whoo I'm hype this morning :)

God is soooooo good!

Peace and Blessings!

:: LA ::

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Daily Devotion for 9/14/11 A heart that forgives

Good Morning Folks! Happy Wednesday to you all.

Today's Topic: A heart that forgives
Scripture Text: Psalms 130:4

"But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you."

This morning I woke up with the song "A heart that forgives" by Kevin Lavar on my mind and heart. The last few days I've really had to face some things about myself. In asking God for forgiveness I hadn't forgiven myself or some others for things that I had done and they had done to me. I thought I had let it go but there are things I have been holding on to. I've been holding a grudge against people because they claimed to be a friend and in instant, had turned on me. And as I think about the verse that says "But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you." I said to myself, "How can I truly serve God, if I can't forgive like he forgives me" If I want to be more Christ-like, a part of that is knowing how to forgive, and doing just that.

So how do I let go? The grudge has tainted relationships, kept me from building others because I can't let go. I want to let it go! As the song plays in the background and tears form in my eyes, I'm reminded of these words, 1 Peter 5:7 "Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully." So God, on today, I let it go! I'm turning it over to you. I know that I can cast my cares upon you and that you will help me through this.

So what about you? Are there people that you haven't forgiven. The one thing that I have learned about forgiveness is that we don't forgive solely for the benefit of the one who wronged us. Forgiveness is for us too. It's how we find peace within a rough situation. How do you forgive through a difficult situation? Through faith...Surely if Christ can forgive those who crucified him, then we can forgive too!

So my prayer on today is that God forgives me and that he gives me the heart to forgive others and for me to forgive myself. By Faith I believe it will be done. So today God, I release the anger, the grudge, the unwillingness to forgive, over to you. I pray that you will give me heart that forgives.

And if I have ever wronged any of you, I ask for your forgiveness...In Jesus name...

I love you all and I'm praying for you...

:: LA ::

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gossip Girl Season 4 on DVD

Summer vacations are always a blast. In Season 4, ep. 1 Belles de Jour, Serena and Blair enjoy their summer vacation in Paris trying to take their minds off of home. When Serena and Blair take this lavish trip to Paris, they experience the food, culture, fashion, and even romance! Blair meets a French royal that wants to sweep her off her feet, gets into a major spat with Serena, and even bumps into her ex, Chuck. Trips are always full of excitement and let downs.

SO where's your dream vacation to?

Me? I'd love to explore Greece. The architecture alone is enough to pull me in...

The blue water...there's just something so peaceful about this country. I absolutely LOVE Greek food! Feta makes everything betta :) So to be able to indulge in traditional, authentic Greek food would be awesome. Plus, I heard the Greek men are gorgeous! To get away and to ride on a scooter and learn their culture and history, that's my dream vacation. I love places where I can not only relax, but I can learn something too. Who knows, maybe I'll meet my Prince in Greece too, just like Blair!

Too busy for a summer vacation? Join Serena and Blair in Paris with Season 4 of Gossip Girl

“I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Gossip Girl Season Four on DVD."

Monday, September 12, 2011

Daily Devotion for 9/12/11 It happens in stages

Good Afternoon Everyone! Happy Monday :) I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. I just want to send out a huge thank you to all of you who joined with me in prayer on Friday Afternoon. He heard our cries and instantly he smiled on us, evident by the sun that shone so bright for the rest of the week and weekend.

Today's Topic: It happens in stages
Scripture Text: Mark 4:28

"First the blade, then the head, after that the full grain."

Are you waiting on a promise from God to be fulfilled? Observe these words of Jesus: "The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how. For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head. But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come. (Mark 4:26-29) You have to go through certain stages before you receive that which God has promised you.

The "I don't know" stage: This is when the seed is in the ground. The harvest production is up to God entirely. But God's word is assuring so believe him for it!

The "Blade" stage: A tiny blade blowing in the breeze. It is enough to encourage you and let you know that the answer is on the way!

The "Head" stage: It starts to look like what you prayed for. It's something that you hopefully have prayed over it, that's the water. You use God's word to fertilize it and you protect it from any negative force that may try and uproot it.

Finally, The "full grain" stage: This is when God says "Put in the sickle, because your harvest has come". At this point it is crucial to recognize your harvest and begin to reap it. No matter what stage you are at today, stand on God's promise and keep trusting Him. He will not disappoint you!.

Peace and Love Family

:: LA ::

Friday, September 9, 2011

Daily Devotion for 9/9/11 Let us Pray

Good Morning Everyone! For those of you who have never received a Daily Devotion Email from me, or read this blog, there's a purpose and reason behind it today...

I'd like to send out a petition to all of you and ask that you send it out to your friends and family as well. Post it on twitter and facebook.

Today is a perfect day for Corporate Prayer.

I'd like everyone to break what they are doing at 1 p.m. and go in to prayer. God has really been moving and trying to show us some things these last couple of weeks and we all need to be alert and hear from him. In the course of a week and a half, we here in the DMV have dealt with an earthquake, Hurricane, Tropical Depression, Tornadoes, and most recently, flooding. You don't think God is trying to tell us something? I was speaking with a friend of mine in ministry and he was talking about how God is now preaching the sermons. How real is that?

There have been a number of deaths contributed to this weather and now we are under a huge security alert with the anniversary of 9/11 approaching. I'm not worried about a thing though because like the word says in 2 Timothy 1:7 "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind" When we stir up these gifts, there's nothing that we can't get through. I don't operate in fear, I operate in FAITH!!

So let us all take a few minutes out of our day today at 1 p.m. and go in to prayer. Pray for our nation, our President, our area (DMV or wherever you are), our family, our friends, and ourselves. Pray for peace, security, strength and faith. I pray that you all will join me in this.

I'll be praying at 1 p.m., will you?

Peace and Love Family!

:: LA ::

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blog Post: Gossip Girl

From the first time I started watching GG, I fell in love with Serena's character. I saw a little bit of myself in her. The things she's been through, the, I wanted her closet ;) During Season 4, she went through so many ups and downs. As usual, it always seemed like people were against her. I would hate to be in the same position as her with having to choose for love. That's one of the hardest decisions. I've been there before and the outcome was not pretty because someone always ends up getting hurt.

Its hard to choose a favorite episode...Any episode where Blair pulls off some elaborate scheme against someone is always good to me.

That's why Season 4 was so amazing!! It was full of scandal, heartbreak, break-ups, break-downs. GG touches on sooo much in this season. Do you have your copy? 22 episodes...what are you waiting for??

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Gossip Girl Season Four on DVD.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Daily Devotion for 9/7/11 It's A New Season

Good Morning Folks...Happy Rainy Wednesday!

Today's Topic: It's a new season!
Scripture Text: Leveticus 26:4

"I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit."

It has been a very rainy season the past few weeks here in the DMV. What does it all mean? What does rain mean to you? When I was in conversation with a friend about the rain they said, "It's so depressing" I replied "No, I just see it as God washing away some things" Out with the old and in with the new. Rain plays such a significant role in the life and well being of the earth, yet we as humans have a found a way to make it be so negative. We often times forget that after every rain storm is a rainbow.

So what are you saying Leslie? What I'm saying is this. There's a reason for this rainy season. While God is washing away old things in the physical ask yourself, what is God trying to wash away within me? What is it in my life that God is trying to add a fresh anointing to? "I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit." What new things is God trying to grow in and/or through you? Don't look at this rainy season as a depressing one. Instead take the time to commune with God and find out what it is that he's trying to show you. It's a new season folks!

Think about this: God has given us all gifts and there are things that were predestined over our lives. God has given us a seed to sew but that seed can't grow without any rain. God is calling us! It's our season to sew seeds to let it rain and to watch it grow. It's a new season...God wants to start something new and he's starting with YOU. Yes YOU! So I want you to listen to the song that's attached. It's a new season...A season of prosperity, a season of blessings, a season of power...No, everything may not be good during this season but when you do that which God has asked of you, and you allow him to show up and show out....Oh how sweet it is

Isaiah 30:23
He will also send you rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the food that comes from the land will be rich and plentiful. In that day your cattle will graze in broad meadows.

What does God need you to do in the new season?

Song of Inspiration: "It's a New Season"

Be Blessed Family!

Love Always,

:: LA ::

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Daily Devotion for 9/6/11 Your Joy Is Your Strength

Good Morning Everyone!!! Happy 1st Day of School to all my teachers and students in VA! I pray that you all have a wonderful and exciting day! Here is today's devotion...

">Today's Topic: Your Joy Is Your Strength
Scripture Text: 1 Peter 1:8

“Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy”
(1 Peter 1:8, NIV)

Have you recently lost your joy? Have you recently experienced something has you wanting to give up and quit? What is it that you are allowing to take your joy away? It's time to take back that which the devil is trying to steal from you. There is a reason for every thing we go through and a reason behind every place that we are in. God knows what he is doing. So fight back! The devil is sitting by waiting for the moment to seep in and steal your joy. Don't let him! Your joy is your strength! It is the fuel you need to fight through every trial, tribulation, and circumstance that you are dealing with and going through. Be not afraid, God is always standing by...There's strength and joy in that alone.

So today, stand up and say "Devil you can't steal my joy" Your joy is your source of peace through hard times. It is what sustains you and builds you up. With joy, you can fight any battle and WIN! It's a source of healing for your mind and soul. Your joy not only strengthens you, but others around you. It's encouragement for others that may be going through. It's a light that shines so bright that others see it, and want it too.

So let go of the defeated mentality...Today is the day to get your joy back!!

Keep Fighting Friends and Family!!

I love you and I'm here for you!

Song of Encouragement:

"Don't be discouraged, joy comes in the morning..."

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Daily Devotion for 9/1/11 Your Time Is Coming

Good Morning folks!! Today's lesson was taken from Joel Osteen's daily devotional...

Today's Topic: Your Time is Coming

Today’s Scripture: Habbakkuk 2:3

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time…though it tarry, wait for it.”
(Habakkuk 2:3, KJV)

Today’s Word:

If you’ve been standing in faith for the promises of God, I want you to know today that your time is coming! The dreams and desires in your heart, the things you want to accomplish, the situations you want to see changed will happen. Don’t give up just because it has taken a long time, or just because you’ve tried and failed.

I encourage you today—get your fire back! Don’t be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. It may be taking a long time, but God is a faithful God. No matter how long it’s been, no matter how impossible it looks, if you’ll stay in faith, your time is coming. Every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God not only put it there, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass.

Declare today, “My time is coming...God is working behind the scenes on my behalf…I will fulfill my destiny…I will fulfill the plan God has for my life!” As you declare, expect, and wait for the appointed time, your faith will grow. Your hope will grow. And you’ll step into the destiny God has in store for you!

Prayer for Today:

Father in Heaven, I receive Your truth today and hold on to Your promises. I ask that You ignite my heart with Your holy fire so that I can pursue Your perfect plan for my life. Make my thoughts and words agreeable to Your will as I meditate on Your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Be Blessed Family!!!

:: LA ::