Monday, January 10, 2011

Write the vision and make it plain (Part III)

Happy Monday Everyone! How was your weekend? I pray it was blessed...

Today's Lesson(s): Write the Vision and make it plain (Part III)

Scripture Reference: Habakukk 2:2; Amos 3:12

Continuing in the lesson on writing the vision...

Your vision: You must follow it (contd.)

BE ENCOURAGED: Remember that in spite of what WE do, God is still at work! Let's take a look at the story of Joseph. A young man who had huge family problems. He was sold by his brothers to slave traders, they sold him to Potiphar who then imprisoned him. However, while in prison, he met the butler who introduced him to Pharaoh who made him the Prime Minister of Egypt. He fulfilled his dream but his journey wasn't easy. Imagine being sold off by your own family...

Remember that your vision will be "tried". You will go through situations that are either going to make you or break you. You vision will go through the process of being birthed, then dying, but then being resurrected by God. You may go through times where you'll see the loss of friends, you may have no money, and it will seem like you have no fight left in you. It will seem like your vision has died, but God is standing by to resurrect it. You'll begin to walk differently, talk differently. You'll see your ego subtracted and the grace of God added. That's when God will know, and will smile and say "He/She is finally getting it right"


Your vision: You must Fulfill it

Lets look at Amos 3:12 "A shepherd who tries to rescue a sheep from a lion's mouth will recover only two legs or a piece of an ear. So it will be." Imagine that you are that lamb, and that Satan is the lion, and that Jesus is that shepherd. He's coming to pick up and what's left of you and bring you victory out of defeat. "Has life torn your dreams to pieces? With God, you only need two things for a comeback.

1. An ear to hear : We have to stop listening to voices that are only out to discourage us. It's not over until God says its over!!! Listen to what God is saying to you. you may feel like your soul is dry and that your hope is dead bt your dream will live again.

2. A leg to stand on Look at Job who got EVERYTHING taken away from him, but in the end God gave him TWICE as much as he had before. God isn't finished with you yet. Stand on his word and trust him.

You may be living with your consequences, but by God's grace you can live to see your dream fulfilled.

Well Ladies and Gents, this completes the series on Write the vision and make it plain. Take time to look back at the three part series throughout your journey to writing, receiving, following, and fulfilling your destiny. God has something great in store for you and here's your chance to trust him and live out your destiny.

Remember that every set back is a set up for a come back!

Well folks, may the peace of God be with each of you. I'm here with a listening ear if you need me.

That's all for now. Have a blessed morning/afternoon/evening.

Your Sister in Christ,


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