Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Daily Devotion for 2/23/11 A Better Tomorrow

Happy Wednesday Ladies and Gents...take a moment right now to stop and pray for someone before continuing to read today's lesson. The truth about life is that you never know what someone is going through at any given moment. So at this moment I will stop and pray for each of you reading this email/blog. Amen

Today's Lesson: A Better Tomorrow
Scripture Text: Isaiah 61:3

"To instead of ashes" (Isaiah 61:3)

The Chinese have an interesting symbol for the word crisis; it indicates both opportunity as well as danger. Purpose can emerge from pain, just like beauty from ashes. Real healing can't begin until you face the facts and EXPRESS your pain. This means that we must do like David did: take it to GOD. "How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart?" (Psalms 13:2) Lancing a boil is the first step to healing, so the first to becoming is FACING THE TRUTH.

Those who grow through a crisis learn which dreams, hopes, and expectations were violated by the event. They identify where repair may be needed, and then put together a road map towards the future. You may experience feelings like " nothing will ever be the same again..." That's a natural feeling. So you may have to make adjustments in how you spend your leisure time, how you relate to your family and friends, and how you work. It's the nature of a crisis to destabilize your world. But it also forces you to reach deep inside yourself and find strength that was hidden and that you didn't know even existed. I've learned first hand through my crisis...Most know my testimony of being a survivor from rape while in the past years of healing and learning and growing. I have discovered a lot of things about myself I didn't know existed. I'm entering worlds and experiencing things I may not have otherwise known had I not gone through everything I've been through.

You may not feel courageous or hopeful right now, but that in no way means that those things aren't there waiting to be tapped. Even though you don't feel strong today, you can draw strength from ONE who is. "The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer; my Whom I will trust" (Psalms 18:2) Face it. Find God in it. Follow Him, and He will give you a better tomorrow.


I don't know who this message is for, but it is for someone out there. I have prayed and will continue to pray for your strength through these times.

Peace and Love Family. That's all for today

God Bless

:: LA ::

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