Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Daily Devotion for 8/30/11 Deal With Your "Ishmael"

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Tuesday!!! Here we go...

Today's Topic: Dealing With Your "Ishmael"
Scripture Text: Galatians 4:30

"Cast out the bondwoman and her son"

Ishmael was born as a result of Abraham attempting to hurry up the plan of God and fulfill it through human effort. Are you doing that? We all have our "Ishmaels": a good idea that was NOT God's idea, and it can complicate your life. Maybe you're saying to your self, "Well, didn't God love Ismael too?" Yes God did love him, and blessed him too! Take a look at Genesis 17:20...But God said he would only fulfill His plan through Isaac. When you run ahead of God or try to replace His will with you will you not only suffer, but the people you love suffer too in one way or another. Spiritually speaking, when God says to you, "Cast out your bondwoman and her son" God is really saying to you that it's time to deal with your past and clean out your closet.

Like Ishmael and Isaac, sometimes your miracle and your mistake can grow together under the same roof. Things can be so bad in one area, yet so good in another. Today God may be saying to you, "Because of the destiny I have in mind for your, you've got to put this thing out of your life." It's painful letting go of something that was created by your flesh, but you have no choice.

Here are your options: You can be moved by their pleading and miss God's best. Or you can say, "As much as I love you, I love God more."

When you're willing to walk away from something you love because you love God more, that's called "The sacrifice of praise" (Hebrews 13:15). And when you offer it up to God, you position yourself to receive the fullness of His blessing in your life.


Be Blessed Family!

:: LA ::

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