Thursday, August 20, 2009

.: The journey begins :. [Newness Part I]

Whoo! It's been a while.

I must say, August has been a busy month thus far. Bridal Showers and weddings, Family Reunions and Cookouts...I have had one busy month and we are only half way through!

Update: God has called me back into a moment of stillness. This time I really must be still. I had a lot of distractions last time, and he wants my full attention. As a result, last night, I had to do something that was very difficult for me. I had to let the dance ministry know that I would not be participating in anything with them for the next month +. :-o Crazy Right!?!?!

Some may not understand how hard that was for me. A little over 4 years ago, there was no dance ministry at church. I moved back from Norfolk and with the help of Bunny, was able to bring it back to church. When you invest so much of your time and energy into something, it is sometimes hard to let it go. I'm not leaving the ministry, but this temporary break is going to be different for me.

I think that God is trying to prepare me for something greater. He's already told me that I won't be in the same position over the ministry forever. I've grown to accept that. That's something people miss sometimes. We think that because we started something, that we are supposed to be over it for the rest of our lives, but does that really leave room for growth?

Like I told David's Dancers last night...As far as the minstry, I'm not going anywhere, but I'm going somewhere. God is preparing me for a journey...He is taking me somewhere, and I want to be ready...

Life for me is about to change...

For 26 years I've lived my life as this overly active church member. I was always singing or dancing, ushering or leading and so on and so forth... I've always played an active role in the church in some way. How different is it going to be for me to just be a congregation member? Very different!! I will be coming for service and going home, Attending bible study on time because I arrived on time, not because I had a meeting before...

It's going to be new and different...but I intend to take on this journey with an open mind and heart and open ears so that I hear exactly what God wants from me.

My new journey is about to begin...

So, either come along for the ride...

Or get to steppin...

Cause I'm headed to the top...

Geez, I'm so corny sometimes...

But as always, I'm here with a listening ear if you need me...

Always [Love] Forever,

.: LA :.

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