Thursday, February 3, 2011

Daily Devotion for 2/3/11 God Wants You to Succeed (Part II)

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone!! Happy Wednesday and third day of Black History Month...

Lets get right to it!

Today's Lesson: God Wants You to Succeed
Scripture Reference: Psalms 35:27

“The Lord...has pleasure in [our] prosperity” (Psalms 35:27)

"Teach us Lord , to serve you as you deserve, to give and not count the cost, to fight and not heed the wounds, to toil and not seek for rest, to labor and not ask for any reward save that of knowing we do your will." (Ignatius Loyola's prayer)

Success is knowing and doing God's will for your life. Hear are the the four laws that govern it:

1. Be clear about the cost- How much are you really willing to sacrifice for your dream? The answer to this question will determine your future. Remember that for everything you gain, you will give up something. Sometimes the greatest obstacle to tomorrow's success, is today's success. How much will you sacrifice today? "What happens when we live God's way...We find to marshal and direct our energies wisely" (Galatians 5:22-23)

2. Focus like a laser- While on this course to your destiny/success make a detailed chart and establish some deadlines for yourself. Set regular checkpoints, list the things you need to do each day, and if needed or necessary, be accountable to someone. "Walk...making the most of your time" (Ephesians 5:15-16)

3. See yourself achieving it- "The minute you settle for less, you get less than you settled for" (Maureen Dowd) The Bible says that GOD "calls those things which do not exist as though they did" (Romans 4:17) Start to think today, like the person you expect to be then!

4. Keep Learning- Always look for new opportunities for growth and chances to learn. "Give attention to reading" (1 Timothy 4:13) The person who WON'T read is more to be pitied than the person who can't read.

Remember to meditate constantly on God's Laws and you will succeed in whatever you do!!!


Today's Black History Moments:
Negro History Week began on February 1, 1926. It is now known as Black History Month, but was first celebrated on this date as Negro History Week by Carter G. Woodson. It became a month long celebration in 1976.

In 1920 the Negro Baseball League was founded
In 1874 Blanche Kelso Bruce was elected to the US Senate under a six year term in the US Senate by the Mississippi legislature
In 1870 the 15th Amendment (Black Suffrage) passed

The Fifteenth Amendment (Amendment XV) to the United States Constitution prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizen suffrage based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude" (i.e., slavery). It was ratified on February 3, 1870

Have a blessed morning/afternoon and evening folks.

Pray for someone today!

May God bless and keep each and every one of you...

Peace and Blessings from your Sister in Christ,



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