Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Didn't I blow your mind this time...Didn't I? [ Self Evaluation Part VI ]

How amazing and awesome God is...

Last night's sermon was soooo on point...

Ephesians 3:14-21 "When God Blows Your Mind"

When God blows your mind, 3 things will happen:

1. Period of Transformation-When you all the spirit to work in and through you, your life transforms.

2. You become cognisant of your inner personality [God will begin to reveal things to you about yourself that you never knew existed]

3. There is a sense of awe (praise) that happens [You begin to praise him in advance for what he's going to do, not just for what he's done]

God can do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ask or think. How awesome is that...When I pray and praise God for my house, he has the power to bless me with a home; When I pray and praise God for a husband and Children, he has the power to bless me with a loving family; When I pray and praise God for a job he has the power to bless me with the will and desire to start my own company...


I recognize and accept God moving in and through my life.

How amazing God is!!

Words can not begin to express the awesomeness of God...He is lifting me higher

Worship...Leadership...Is he leading me in that direction? Is he calling me to a higher level of worship through leadership? Can the two be put together?

I believe so, and I intend to continue to listen and hear from him.

God, I trust you...

My mentors in life [mombunnydaniellejeanettesamia]are all powerful women of God that were placed here to help me through many trials of my life...I thank God for these women. It is through these women that I've grown so much closer to God...They have helped me with my walk with Christ. Even when they didn't know it, they were constantly inspiring me to continue to press my way...They've encouraged me, uplifted me, they've held me accountable...I am so thankful to God...

Nothing can separate me...

Always [Love] Forever,


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