Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Daily Devotion for 1/11/11 Surrender (Part I)

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening! How is your day? How are your thoughts? Your Attitude?

Today's Lesson(s): Surrender (Part I)
Scripture Reference: Luke 5:5

"Because you say so, I will." (Luke 5:5)

"Until we accept and cooperate with the law of gravity, we can't fly. Until we accept and cooperate with the law of economics, we can't succeed in business. Getting the idea? Surrendering to God is not weakness, it's wisdom. Only a fool resists God, because it's a fight you can't win. It's in surrendering to Him that you are empowered to succeed in what He's called you to do. Surrender is demonstrated by obedience. It's saying, "Yes, Lord" to whatever He asks. To say, "No, Lord" is a contradiction. How can we call Jesus :Lord," and refuse to obey him?" {Daily Devotional The Word for you today, Cornerstone Christian Center Church} "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and don not the things which I say?"(Luke 6:46 KJV)

Let's take a quick look at the story of Peter from Luke 5. After a long night of fishing, they had nothing to show for it. When Jesus told them to get back out there and let down their net, Peter was reluctant. He had a hesitant spirit because he took nothing in the night before, so surely things would be no different today. But he trusted God..."And Simon (Peter) answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing; nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net." (Luke 5:5) When you fully surrender to God, you obey his word, even if it doesn't make sense to you.

So, how will you know if you're fully surrendered? When you rely on God to work things out. You'll know when you stop trying to manipulate others, and forcing your own agenda or control of the situation. You let GOD do his thing.

Remember: You don't have to be in charge! Just let go, and let GOD have his way.


You already knew that song was coming :)

Have a great evening and remember, God is control. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_1C0Ze7pBs Ricky Dillard is really EXTRA in this video but I love this song ;)

That's all for now. Have a blessed morning/afternoon/evening.

Your Sister in Christ,


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