Tuesday, June 2, 2009

* Sigh * Ninjas Will be Ninjas (Ninja Chronicles part II)

So, I had a very interesting weekend.

Over the past 5 months or so, I've been getting these back to back calls from this strange man that I met back in January.

We originally exchanged numbers because we went to HS together and found out that we knew a lot of the same people. We chatted maybe for 5 min at the club and had 1 phone conversation back in January.

I should've known he was crazy!!!!! I remember the first time I didnt call him back, he questioned me! Fool, you don't know me!!!! I let it go. Then I noticed that he began calling me 2-3 times every Friday or Saturday...I would get random text that said "Did you forget about me Ma?" Leslie doesn't have kids so who is he calling Ma? I let it go...then I noticed that this was becoming routine. Like clockwork, I would get a 2-3 calls on a Saturday. If I silenced the call, he would call me right back. WTF?!?! Did you not get the hint?

I was afraid to delete his number because I knew that one day he would catch me when I wasn't paying attention and that I'd actually end up talking to this fool. So I programmed his name to say "Noooo please don't answer". That way I knew not to answer and if there was a chance that someone was answering my phone on my behalf, they would know not to answer as well...

So it's May (well it's June now lol) this MOFO is still calling me...So I kindly text messaged him saying "I'm not trying to be mean but could you please stop calling me" I got no response or call so I thought it was done and overwith...Mind you, the week before this fool had the audacity to call me at 1:50 a.m. Really fool?!

So on this past Saturday morning my phone rings, it's him. So I kindly text messaged him again...and here's how the convo went.

Leslie: I've already asked you once to stop calling me. So please stop.
Sir: What did I do?
Leslie: I don't like you calling me, and neither does my boyfriend.(Yes it was a lie, but it was necessary). Plus, you were very disrespectful when you called me at 2 in the morning. You don't know me like that.
Sir: B*tch get the f*ck outta here. You're a whore, just like in HighSchool. (Which I find Ironic since I was the innocentvirginchurchgirl...so how was this possible, plus he didn't know me)
Leslie: Wow really? You know what, I'm not even going to entertain your foolishness. Let's not forget that you were the one that was calling ME non-stop. Like, I said you don't know me like that.
Sir: Whatever, you know it was always about a nut.
Leslie: Ummm like I said, you don't know me so just stop
Sir: Whatever Slim


Lol FOOLYWANG!!! Really?! I found out that I know his Cousin quite well...Then it became clear. BITCHASSNESS runs deep in that family.

I don't have time for this type of foolishness...I'll be glad when God finally says its time for me to settle down with the Man he's made just for me.



  1. ROFLMAO @ Then it became clear. BITCHASSNESS runs deep in that family.

    Wow... I'm sorry homey for the entertainment at your expense :-(

  2. Please believe he'll be calling again in July!!! HAHAHA!
