Tuesday, September 1, 2009

.: The Journey continues... :. [Newness Part II]

Play while reading:

We Worship You - Gideon Band

It is only a snippet, so to hear the whole song, click the link that says "play full song"...

This morning it felt like September...
Cool air, the smell of fall...I needed that this morning. I needed something new, something fresh...

Sometimes I just want to drive to the mountains

Sometimes I just need a moment with God...Somewhere in a peaceful setting. No highways, no police sirens, no children playing...Just me and nature, just me and God.

Last night I tossed and turned for a while. So I decided to get up and have a moment with God. I turned on 'Gideon Band' and I began to dance. What a release. I've been so busy and wrapped up in everything going on in life, that I hadn't taken the time for my own personal worship. End Result: I fell right to sleep

Reflections on this past weekend:

*Black Love is beautiful- I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to participate in two weddings this month. How awesome of an experience it was. Not just because these were two of my closest friends, but because these were both my spiritual bestfriends. It was exciting to witness because both of these marriages, I know, were ordained by God. To witness their relationships progress across the years has been inspirational and encouraging. It is their relationships that give me the hope, and help me to keep the faith in knowing that God has mad a man for me. It reassures me that I'm on the right track by keeping God first, and keeping the faith, and TRUSTING him.

*Even when apart from some friends, the bond can still hold tight-
It's amazing how you can be closer to those that are far away, than you are to those that live close by. I can honestly say that God has blessed me with some amazing friends. Some may only be in my life for a season, some for a specific reason, and some to last a lifetime...God has blessed me with some wonderful friends that I hope to be around for a long time.

*I must continue to trust God- These last few days, I've really been struggling with this "stillness". I know that this is where I'm supposed to be, but sometimes I struggle with whether or not I'm hearing God correctly. Sometimes I wonder if where I am is where I placed myself, or if its where God led me to. Even when I stumble, even when I fall, God is always there...Where would I be without him? Lost...

And how amazing he is...As I'm writing this blog, the song "Be Grateful" by Walter Hawkins is playing. So right now, in the midst of this storm I'm in, how encouraging this song is.

Lyrics: "God has not promised me, sunshine, that's not the way it's going to be, but a little rain mixed with God's sunshine, a little pain makes me appreciate the good times. Be Grateful. God desires to feel your longings. Every pain that you feel, he feels them just like you, but he can't afford to let you feel only good. Then you can appreciate the good times. Be Grateful."

So in this storm, I'm continuing to remain grateful, because on the otherside is my breaktrhough. On the otherside of every storm is a rainbow.
leads to...

So I must keep fighting. Even though I may not understand everything that I'm going through at this very moment, I'm grateful for everything I'm going through...

Songs that played while writing this blog...

It shall come to pass by Hezekiah Walker
"Hold on and believe, it shall come to pass"
Healing by Richard Smallwood
"Don't be discouraged, joy comes in the morning/mourning. Know that God is nigh. Stand still and look up. God is going to show up. He is standing by..."

So as the tears stream down my face, my soul is encouraged, my spirits are lifted because I know that God has some great things in store for me. Thanks be to God for all that he's done, all that he's doing, and all that he's going to do...

As always, I'm here with a listening ear if you need me.

Peace and Blessings!!!

Always [LOVE] Forever,

.: LA :.

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