Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daily Devotion for 5/11/11 Growing Stronger Through Change

Good Morning Folks...It's been a rough start but I'm pressing my way through....I need this Devotion. I pray this helps someone else today as well

Today's Topic: Growing Stronger Through Change
Scripture Text: James 1:3

"Under pressure...your faith...shows"

The one thing that we all can count on in life-is change. No matter how hard we try to avoid it and run from it has an attitude of "Ready or Not here I come". In order to grow stronger through change we must:

1. Give up: Don't be an escape artist, or try to avoid the stress that accompanies change. There is no escape; change is inevitable. Stop regarding it as an enemy and make it your friend. Only when you decide to ride the horse in the direction its going, will you get to where you need to be.

2. Wise Up: Our fight to flight instincts often kick in when change suddenly hits us and we aren't able to handle it. But there's a solution. By entrusting our lives fully into God's care and asking for His wisdom, "he takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into...change" (Romans 2:4) God loves the way we are, but He loves us too much to leave us that way.

3. Toughen Up: Somebody quipped "If it wasn't for stress, I'd have no energy at all" Are you making it harder on yourself than it needs to be? Are you speaking faith or fear? Are you trusting God or are you ready to give up without even trying? If you're struggling to make sense of your current situation, read these words: "Under [the pressure of change], your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed" (James 1:3-4)

When we resist change, we create a tug-of-war scenario between us and change. Resistance to change just creates stress, ulcers, and sleeplessness. So here are some of the attitudes we need to adjust:

1. Thinking like a victim: Stop expecting everyone else to rescue you, feel sorry for you, or reduce your stress levels. Take the wheel! Get control of your own life! The situation is not hopeless and you are not helpless. Remember "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phillipians 3:14)

2. Deciding not to change: Invest your efforts into changing what you can, like your attitude and your approach. It's a lot easier embrace new habits then it is to hold on to old ones.

3. Playing the new game by the old rules: When a car that's stuck in second gear keeps trying to do 100 mph, guess what happens-meltdown! If you don't want to burn out, learn to change gears. When your life's seasons, assignments or relationships change, begin to adjust. Learn to play the new rules, otherwise you'll keep losing.

4. Trying to control the uncontrollable: When the music changes, its time to learn some new dance steps, otherwise you'll finish up sitting on the sidelines. You may not like the changes, but you can learn to flow with them. "We are perplexed...but we don't give up and quit...We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going." (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

I know the journey is difficult but keep pushing, and keep trusting. God said he'd never leave you nor forsake you. He'll never put more on you then you can bear. He's with you through it all!!

Be blessed fam! Hope this encourages someone in their 'Gethsemane' season to keep pressing their way.

Peace and Blessings Fam

:: LA ::

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