Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Title vs. No Title

By putting a title on a relationship guarantee committment? If there is no title, but all points lead to a relationship, does that mean that you DON'T have to committ?

I was speaking to a couple of friends about this subject this week. If a guy and a girl, go out on dates, hold hands, talk all day, kiss, hug, are open and honest, etc. etc. basically in a relationship without a "title" does that mean that there should not be some level of committment from one another? By not adding a title to a relationship, does that give you the go to do whatever or whomever you wish because technically you're not in a relationship?


  1. Yeah, actually I think if you don't sit down and talk about your relationship and your title, there is no clarity, so a person can string another along at their will, and let's not fool ourselves--it's usually the men doing the stringing if a woman will allow it. This is why it's EXTREMELY important to lay down the law as a woman, what you expect, how you expect to be treated, etc., and don't go getting too emotionally involved with someone when you don't know where their head is. Word to the wise: guys know what ladies want to hear, it's all part of the game, so you can't go giving up too much of yourself too soon if you actually want the relationship to progress in a positive manner in my opinion. Follow your instincts and above all COMMUNICATE OPENLY!!

  2. Why is it that guys get stuck with the label that we're the only ones that "string along" and avoid commitment? I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, but I refuse to believe that women don't have commitment at times and string along the "nice guys" indefinitely for various reasons (e.g. the attention they get, willing to shower with gifts, etc.). Like the saying goes, two can play that game.
